Adrian Grenier Holds Movie Info Hostage Over Fracking

Vinnie Chase has reprised his role as Aquaman to fight back against water contamination caused by the process of fracking.

"Entourage" actor Adrian Grenier cohosted a celebrity–filled reception on April 19 at the ABC Carpet & Home Showroom in Manhattan’s Flatiron District.

Susan Sarandon was in attendance and the event featured musical performances by Rufus Wainwright, Sara Bareilles, and Amy Ray of the Indigo Girls.

Grenier said in an interview with Refinery29 about the event he would not speak about the upcoming "Entourage" movie—set to start filming at the end of the summer—until executive producer Mark Wahlberg and the rest of the "Entourage" crew joins the fight against fracking.

Is Mark Wahlberg against fracking? Did you ask him? ... Well, I’m not going to answer any more ‘Entourage’ questions until Mark Wahlberg and the rest of the ‘Entourage’ gang comes out in public against fracking. [If they do] ... I'll spill the beans.

The night's main attraction was the unveiling of seven new window installations by one-time Beatle wife Yoko Ono. The window displays contain factually dubious anti-fracking messages such as "Fracking Kills" and "Pretty Soon There Will Be No More Water to Drink."

ABC Carpet & Home commissioned Ono to design the window display to invoke public awareness about the environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing. Ono and son Sean organized Artists Against Fracking last summer to protest against fracking in the state of New York.

The group has received industry pushback from the Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York that say the group is breaking New York State lobbying laws.

ABC Carpet & Home CEO and creative director Paulette Cole, was a top fundraiser for President Barack Obama’s reelection, raising between $200,000 and $500,000.