Rep. Roskam: Lois Lerner Targeted My Business Partner

'I'm just saying'

During Tuesdays House Ways and Means Committee Hearing, Rep. Peter Roskam told the story of former business partner Al Salvi. In 1996 while running for United States Senate the Federal Election Commission unjustly targeted Mr. Salvi and the person is charge of enforcement at the time was Lois Lerner, who told Mr. Salvi the unjust charges would be dropped if he promised never to run for public office again. This is just the latest in a history of abuse by Mrs. Lerner, who is still collecting a government paycheck.

REP. PETER ROSKAM: Look history is filled with this story and it all ways works out well. When those who were entrusted with responsibility, that is us. Listen to the complaints of the public, sort out fact from fiction, then do are work. I am telling you what, based on your faithfulness I think this comes to a very good end. Now let me tell you a quick story. An unrelated federal agency, the federal election commission intervened unfairly in a 1996 election for the United States Senate in the state of Illinois. Friend of mine former law partner was the republican nominee Al Salvi. He was falsely accused of breaking federal law, the federal election commission sued him, and the case was dismissed. The federal election commission tried to manipulate him into paying an outrageous fine. The federal election commission kept losing and losing and losing. Finally Al says I’d like to speck to the person with authority in this case, because surely if they understood the facts they would dismiss this case. The person at the other end of the phone in charge of enforcement at the time said we will dismiss this case, if you pledge to never run for office again. The person at the other end of the phone was Lois Lerner. In the words of my son Steve I’m just saying.