Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) said Tuesday he was "disappointed" in President Obama for not standing against "rich, spoiled" San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision to not rise for the national anthem before games.
Kaepernick caused a stir last month when he announced he would not stand during the national anthem in order to protest what he views as racist government policies and police brutality against minorities. A TMZ videographer caught up with Cruz at Reagan National Airport to ask about the saga, and Cruz did not hold back, as the Daily Caller noted.
"You know, it’s sad when you see rich, spoiled athletes that don’t recognize what an incredible blessing this country is," he said. "It’s very easy when you’re sitting there, rolling in millions of dollars, to disrespect this country. I come from it from a different perspective ... My dad was imprisoned and tortured in Cuba, and America meant what it’s meant for millions from across the globe. It’s meant hope, it’s meant freedom."
Obama said this week he had not followed the storyline closely when asked about Kaepernick, but he said the quarterback was following a long line of athletes exercising their constitutional right to protest.
"I don’t doubt his sincerity, based on what I’ve heard. I think he cares about some real, legitimate issues that have to be talked about," Obama said. "If nothing else, what he’s done is he’s generated more conversation around some topics that need to be talked about."
Cruz blasted Obama for the response.
"That’s not the job of the president," Cruz said. "The president should be standing up for America, and the president should be encouraging every American to honor the flag that so many have bled and died for and to honor the freedom that it stands for."