Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the European Union on Thursday for a series of actions against the state of Israel.
"Today, we witnessed a series of examples of European naïveté, and may I add, hypocrisy," Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu pointed to the Court of the EU’s plan to remove Hamas’ designation as a terrorist organization, the EU parliament’s recognition of Palestinian statehood, and Switzerland’s investigation into Israeli violations of Geneva Convention.
All of these moves point to a "spirit of appeasement in Europe of the very forces that threat Europe itself," Netanyahu said.
"Too many in Europe are calling on Israel to make concessions that would endanger not only the security of Israel, but also, paradoxically, the security of Europe itself."
Israel is in "forward position" and is the "bulwark of European values" in the Middle East, he said. It is a pluralistic democracy with an independent judiciary, a free press, and protection of human rights.
Israel "stands in sharp contrast to what we see in the region around us," Netanyahu said. It remains an "embattled democracy" seeking peace and security.
Netanyahu called the EU’s resolve into question, asking, "Where is elementary European integrity?"
Netanyahu acknowledged that Europeans are frustrated, but "we say, ‘join the club.’"
Israel is the only place where the Christian population has grown and thrived without oppression, and continues to protect religious sites for Muslims, Jews, and Christians.
Netanyahu went on, saying, "This rhetoric has consequences" because it shapes the opinions of the populace, and "merely enforces Palestinian intransigence."
The EU stance fails to hold Palestinians accountable, just as the Palestinian leadership does not hold extremists accountable.
Netanyahu concluded with a blunt statement:
"There is a simple truth that cannot be ignored: peace will only come when the Palestinians are willing to confront their own extremists, instead of embracing the militants, the PA should fight them," Netanyahu said.
"The one and only democracy in the Middle East, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the state of Israel."