Bibi: The International Community Must Reassert Its Original Demands for a Better Iran Deal

April 13, 2015

Iran continued over the weekend to say the U.S. is lying about details in the framework for the nuclear deal. Iran has demanded the U.S. lift all sanctions and has refused effective inspections of suspected nuclear facilities.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke Sunday on the dangers of a nuclear Iran and how desperate the country is for a deal. Netanyahu called the deal reached last week a bad deal and a threat to peace in the area.

"A better deal would significantly roll back these capabilities—for example, by shutting down the illicit underground facilities that Iran concealed for years from the international community," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu went on to say that instead of a set date for the lifting of sanctions on Iran, a better deal would link the lifting of the sanctions to an end of the aggression, state sponsorship of terrorism, and threats to annihilate Israel.