In late 2014, Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer trolled Islamic State terrorists who had threatened US military members.
"ISIS targeting the U.S. military is like a sheep targeting a lion," Meyer said at the time. Now, he has unveiled a shirt with a variation of the quote written across it.
Meyer joined with the clothing company Ranger Up to launch a clothing line called "Never Outgunned." The description on the page explains why Meyer believes IS should fear the United States Military and not the other way around.
A lot of people in the media and the military have made a big fuss about the domestic ISIS threat towards American servicemembers and veterans. It’s good to be aware and cognizant, but my only fear is that my fellow veterans will let this threat consume them with fear. This is not who we are as American veterans and, more importantly, as American people.
We are a people who climbed our way up the chain by conquering fear head on—a people who have always faced difficult times and overcome.
We are a people who took on the most powerful kingdom in the history of the world using OUR land to our advantage.
We are a people who had the foresight to create a system that honored individual behavior that benefited the greater good.
We are a people who, at times, were even willing to fight amongst ourselves to benefit another group of our people.
We are a people who answered the world’s call to help stop the spread of oppression not once, but twice.
We are a people who broke out of economic depression through patience, hard work, and the willingness to tackle any issue—no matter how big.
We are a people who constantly seek progress and growth—both economically and culturally—and we wish nothing more than for the rest of the world to enjoy the same luxuries.
We are the people who open our doors to the best of the world’s tired, poor, and huddled masses who yearn to breath.
We are a people who share our luxuries in both public and private endeavors.
We have done this not through the absence of fear, but the conquering of it.
This latest threat will not rattle me. This latest threat will not break me. I will not let fear overcome me.
ISIS conquers and maintains power through fear. Cowards who do this cannot last because they don’t have the patience or prudence to build. Organizations who rule through fear are the first to buckle to it.
We are Americans. We can’t buckle—the system and our people won’t allow it.
I want the world to know: The cowardly flocks of sheep will always submit to the waiting lions.
"That’s a statement that can always be worn with honor," IJ Review's Kyle Becker said of the shirt's message. The shirt is currently available through Ranger Up's online store.