HBO has announced that it will air episodes from Game of Throne’s last season in IMAX. Meh. For the series to truly make an impact on the big screen, it needs Kate Upton.
Upton’s acting prowess has barely been tapped into, and her recent appearances in Game of War ads might as well be an audition tape for Game of Thrones. By my conservative estimate the ads played roughly every 1.2 seconds during the wild card round of the NFL playoffs, guaranteeing that series creator George R.R. Martin, who is a huge NFL fan, must have seen them.
And to no one's suprise, Kate Upton nailed it.
Here she is riding a horse.
And here she is striding purposefully through the battlefield. Notice the way she remains collected despite the bloodshed around her.
This is her in a swimming pool.
I'm not one to spoil a quality HBO series by reading ahead in the books, so I don't know where the story is going, but with a creative genius like George R.R. Martin, who is even willing to kill off top characters, it can go anywhere. Luckily, so can Kate.
Game of Thrones in space? Check.
Game of Thrones dance off? Check.
Game of Thrones creepy photo shoot? Done.

Honestly, Kate Upton should be in all of the shows. All of them. Every single one.