The More People Find Out What's in Obamacare, the More They Disapprove

May 5, 2014

A new Gallup survey shows that the percentage of Americans without health insurance has fallen to its lowest level since 2008.


As VOX DOT COM explains: Thanks, Obamacare!

There are lots of metrics to measure the health care law on: whether its helping to bend the cost curve, for example, or if people can see the doctor once they gain a health insurance plan. But if we're just looking at the metric of whether more people have health insurance coverage – which is one key goal of the health care law – the answer seems to be pretty certainly yes.

Now for some crucial context. Pew has a new survey out that shows opposition to Obamacare at an all-time high.


In fact, disapproval of the law is higher now (55 percent) than it was prior to the launch of the healthcare exchanges last September (53 percent) and fewer American approve of the law now (41 percent) than did in September (43 percent). Opposition to the law has increased despite the fact that Obamacare enrollments recently surpassed 8 million.

As always, the data is definitive. As more people have signed up for Obamacare (many of which were forced to after losing the existing insurance plans President Obama repeatedly promised they could keep), opposition to the law has grown.

Perhaps people are finally finding out what’s in Obamacare, and don’t like it.

On the other hand, racism.