I don't have much to say about last night's game, except that I bet on the Detroit Lions and am embarrassed.
The Lions were the better team, but when you don't follow a strict system, such as only picking teams with hot fans, things like phantom face mask calls and miracle hail Mary passes can screw you.
The Lions may have been better, but I failed to consider how few hot girls there are in Detroit. I won't make that mistake again.
Here are my picks for this week:
Kansas City Chiefs AT Oakland Raiders
PICK: Raiders +3

Josephine Skriver makes this Raider pick my lock of the week. And it's also going to make this post pretty long, because I just spent about two hours analyzing her talent and have a lot to show for it.

Check her out in black and white (Raiders colors).

I'm just going to stop adding commentary on this one. Here is a lot more Skriver, go Raiders:

And just to remind you, she is a Raider fan.
Jacksonville Jaguars AT Tennessee Titans
PICK: Jags +3
I was hard on Jagspoolbooty last week for having too many dudes in the pool and not enough booty. Clearly the pressure got to them—they lost to the Chargers.
But the battle was not lost everywhere. This was what the pool looked like this weekend:

This is a major step in the right direction. Thank you.
Seattle Seahawks AT Minnesota Vikings
PICK: Vikings +1.5
All I can think about when I consider this game is Kirsten Dunst's Minnesota accent in Fargo.

In my opinion, her hottest movie was Get Over it, starring Sisqo.
New York Jets AT New York Giants
PICK: Jets -2

The real battle for New York, which will take place in New Jersey, is which team will have hotter girls tailgating before the game.
My money is on the Jets.
Arizona Cardinals AT St. Louis Rams
PICK: Cardinals -5.5
Baltimore Ravens AT Miami Dolphins
PICK: Ravens +3.5

Pretty surprising that PC Principal and the Dolphins are favored to beat anybody. The only good thing for Miami is that these girls might bust out these Ravens swimsuits on South Beach before the game.
Denver Broncos AT San Diego Chargers
PICK: Chargers +4

Brock Osweiler wins one game and all of a sudden is giving points on the road? I think I'll take my chances on the Chargers.
Dallas Cowboys AT Washington Redskins
PICK: Cowboys +4

The Cowboys may not have Tony Romo anymore, but they still have the best cheerleaders in the league.
Here are some highlights from their summer trip to Mexico: