Hey! You guys! You know when's a good time to make politicized jokes? When a woman has been beaten! Check these (awful, no good, very bad) jokes out!
If Ray Rice continues to treat women like that, he'll end up running the Hobby Lobby.
— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) September 8, 2014
Let me say what we're all thinking: Obama hired Ray Rice to beat his wife in order to distract us from talking about Benghazi. #truthbomb
— Russell Hainline (@RussellHFilm) September 8, 2014
"The NFL hates women!"
"No, it doesn't! Now let me go watch this staunchly anti-abortion quarterback play tonight." http://t.co/TixhlHyR4z
— Mike Tunison (@xmasape) September 8, 2014
Breaking: Ray Rice has just won the GOP senate nomination in Maryland
— California Howdy (@crulge) September 8, 2014
A tax-evading, woman-hating, science-denying organization that harshly punishes non-violent drug users:
@NFL or GOP? #rayrice #tcot
— John Schroeck (@ShrekJohn) September 8, 2014
HAHAHAHA. Oh man, my sides, they ache. Keep it up, guys! That Benghazi one was the best because it brought domestic abuse AND a dead ambassador into the joke. LOL. Nothing like politicizing domestic violence and tragedy abroad for a few cheap laughs! You're the best.