18 Photos of Donald Trump Being 'Young' and 'Vibrant'

April 26, 2019

President Donald J. Trump, one of the most successful leaders in world history, has been assessed by medical experts as "the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency." His stamina levels are off the charts, transcending what the scientific community considers to be the limits of human ability, and yet the dishonest fake news media continues to mock him out of jealousy and fear.

Trump, 72, is by far the youngest top-tier candidate in the 2020 president race. Joe Biden is 76. Bernie Sanders is 77. The president discussed his relative youth at a press gaggle outside the White House on Friday.

In honor of President Trump's youth and legendary stamina, here are 18 photos of America's commander in chief looking like the "young, vibrant man" he is.


1. A winning smile

2. Goof ball

3. Life of the party

4. Father figure

5. Athlete

6. Jokester

7. Kid at heart

8. One of the bros

9. Loves his country

10. You can't coach charisma...

11. Or determination

12. The most vibrant man in the room

13. Duck Face game on point

14. Enjoys life's little pleasures

15. And he's handsome, too

16. Cherishes his wife

17. Dances like no one is watching

18. Loves like he'll never get hurt

Stay young, Mr. President!

Stay vibrant!