Democrats Demand Higher Pay for Trial Lawyers (Most of Whom Are Men)

Harry Reid pockets another huge check from trial lawyers seeking #higherpay / AP
April 8, 2014

Democrats have begun their annual push for "paycheck fairness" legislation, which is less about achieving an actual policy result than it is about teeing up an issue for Democrats to run on in the midterms.

However, if passed, this legislation would be a financial boon to some of the Democratic Party’s largest and most loyal donors—trial lawyers—by making it easier for employers to sue their employers for discrimination, facilitating the filing of large class-action lawsuits, and making it harder for employers to defend themselves in court.

Here are the donation figures for lawyers and lobbyists in 2014:

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Here are the top recipients of lawyer/lobbyist cash in 2014:

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Lawyers and law firms are by far the largest contributors to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s campaign over the course of his career, giving a total of $6 million, more than half of which ($3.7 million) was donated in the current cycle alone.

He might as well wear the names of their firms on his suit to denote their sponsorship. The same goes for all of his colleagues. In 2012, lawyers were either the first of second-largest contributors to every single Democrat senator.

Ironically, Democrats are fighting for "equal pay for women" on behalf on an industry that is dominated by men. According to a study by the American Bar Association, women comprise just one-third of the legal profession in the United States, and just 4 percent of managing partners at the 200 largest law firms:

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Clearly, the trial lawyers of America are trying to buy our democracy and continue the subjugation of women in their progression. Unfortunately, Democrats seem all too willing to let them. Why do they hate America?