The press would have you believe that it was the highest honor in the land, Hollywood’s own "Medal of Freedom," to have the titular role in the buzziest film in years, the HRC biopic "Rodham."
So what does it say when director James Ponsoldt's handpicked selection to play HRC declines the offer?
THR is reporting English actress Carey Mulligan is passing on Ponsoldt’s overtures. Sources say the Oscar-nominated actress is not prepared to commit to the role.
Mulligan’s decision raises two questions.
First, after the Coen brothers’ "Inside Llewyn Davis," Mulligan has no future commitments, so why pass? Production for 2016’s "Rodham" wouldn’t take off until 2015 at the latest, giving the actress time to fit in at least one more project. I doubt that the female lead in "Great Gatsby" is struggling to find work. Signing on as HRC would have studio heads and directors lining around the block to cast her in other roles.
Second, does Carey Mulligan’s reluctance to play Hillary a preview of how HRC will fare if she comes back for round two in 2016?
"Rodham" will be a complete whitewash of history if it glazes over Bubba’s popularity with other women. It would be especially jarring omission since much of the film is billed for the depiction of the long distance relationship between HRC and her prince. Is it smart to remind the people of that factor of the Clinton story? What actress wants to get dragged in that quagmire?
I still stand by my first pick for HRC back in May. The only actress who can endure the scrutiny and controversy the role is bound to generate.