This morning the Free Beacon covered how news organizations were misrepresenting Congressman Darrell Issa's remarks at the most recent meeting of the National Capital Planning Commission regarding the Frank Gehry-designed memorial to Dwight Eisenhower. Most media outlets reported simply that he supported moving forward with Frank Gehry's design, but to those of us in the room, his support seemed very lukewarm indeed.
Now, the Free Beacon has obtained a letter sent yesterday by Issa to the Eisenhower Memorial Commission, asking that when they return to the NCPC, they bring an alternative design shorn of Gehry's most distinctive elements--the gargantuan pillars and metallic tapestry. Essentially, all that would remain in the new alternate plan would be a park and some statuary.
Issa's letter, perhaps diplomatically, insists that this new version would preserve the "core" of Gehry's design. The truth, of course, is entirely the opposite. It is unclear if Frank Gehry would allow his name to remain on the requested new version.
Read the full letter here:
Issa letter on Eisenhower memorial by Washington Free Beacon