Some idle thoughts on things that were great (and some that were not so) in the year in entertainment.
Best Soundtrack
Interstellar, in a walk. My friends in WAFCA really botched this one.
Best Performance by a Dog

That dog in The Babadook provided some late competition. But the only reason The Drop works—and it does work, you should see it—is because of the way that Rocco humanizes Tom Hardy's dimwitted bartender.
Worst 2014 Trope that I'll Be Glad to See Go Away
Dead dogs! Everywhere I turn, dead dogs. A dead dog in Calvary. A dead dog in FX's Fargo. A dead dog in The Babadook. The constant threat of death looming over Rocco in The Drop. A dead dog in John Wick. Stop killing dogs, Hollywood! Stick to killing people. God do I hate people. They're so much worse than dogs.
Best TV Show
True Detective, obviously. There was some revisionism toward the end of the year, a perilous time during which contrarians say silly things like "Fargo was better" or "Peaky Blinders is a show that exists." Do not listen to these people. I mean, c'mon. "Peaky Blinders"? That's not a TV show title. True Detective was obviously the best show of the year.
Most Reactionary TV Show
The Americans, obvs. I think my favorite moment from the last season came when, after resisting their daughter's desire to become involved with a church and its pastor, the Soviet spies suddenly get cool with it when they found out he's leading anti-nukes-in-Europe protests. Useful idiots, man. They are the worst.
First Space Opera to Trump Star Wars

Best Jessica Chastain Role

She is in something like 27 movies this year. While I dug A Most Violent Year and preferred Interstellar as a whole, I'm going to have to go with The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby for her best role this year. So far. She probably has, like, 10 more flicks coming out between now and New Year's.
Worst Movie of the Year
Tusk. Get your shit together, Kevin Smith. Or don't. I may be the last person left who cares.
In a Just World, She'd Win Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars
Yeah, okay. Fine. Sin City 2 is not a very good movie. Nor is 300: Rise of an Empire. But Eva Green is literally the only reason to watch either of these flicks. She's kind of amazing. I'm severely disappointed in Hollywood that they haven't been able to find more for her to do. She should be in every hard-R genre pic out there.
The Year's Biggest Loss

Fuck you, heroin.
Worst Third Act
Edge of Tomorrow. First act is great. Second act is great. Third act is a nonsensical trainwreck. Don't let any liar tell you otherwise.
Best Kate Upton Performance

The Other Woman. She's got a bright future in front of her, that one.
Most Underrated Performance of the Year

Russell Crowe in Noah. A film so underrated, it didn't even make my top ten. However, Russell Crowe is as good in this as he's ever been in anything. It's a shame that this flick has been so overlooked. He really deserves Academy Award recognition for this film.
OK. I think that's it. Tune in Friday for my top ten list! Or don't. I'm not the boss of you.