A couple weeks ago, Sonny Bunch observed that VOX DOT COM, the eight-figure juicebox upstart dedicated to "explaining the news," can seem unbearably pointless at times, and is pretty terrible at explaining things.
Ezra Klein set out to "fix the news," by adding "crucial context," promising to deliver a "completely different product" utilizing a "mix of technological and workflow approaches." The mission of VOX DOT DOM, he said, was to "build stuff that would be useful for people," or even to "build a new culture."
And what does that "new culture" look like, as constructed by the website purporting to bring us "unique views on policy, from the best in the news," and conversations with "the smartest thinkers" asking "the toughest questions"?
Like this, a Free Beacon analysis has found:
These heroes want to make a whiskey-flavored pig. Too bad won't work: http://t.co/PZkiGNpsO2
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 12, 2014
Solange and Jay Z got in a fight in front of Beyoncé. The world is not the same. http://t.co/pmcsSxcAGg
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 12, 2014
"I got stoned and took a shower": How Wye Oak writes its songs http://t.co/QRBIxmTQgb
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 12, 2014
Godzilla is getting bigger: http://t.co/IujyjhDOK5 pic.twitter.com/08QT6NO8HU
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 12, 2014
Why can't you remember being a baby? Science explains. http://t.co/ShZJzzd5Xl pic.twitter.com/Hi8nXFeUf4
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 12, 2014
Stay-at-home moms do more work around the house ... but they also sleep more: http://t.co/BCAZE6jj45 pic.twitter.com/oHHMNQNJfa
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 11, 2014
What mothers and daughters fight about: hair, clothes, and weight. A linguist explains why we fight: http://t.co/AyMPlHjEs0
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 11, 2014
Research and common sense say cyclists should be able to roll through stop signs http://t.co/dICNGFlndx
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 11, 2014
Science: barefoot shoes are bullshit http://t.co/9qZTcdYJsi pic.twitter.com/YAJutli36b
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 10, 2014
Naming babies after Game of Thrones characters got even more popular last year http://t.co/U3vZsWdsri
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 9, 2014
Uh oh. Syphilis is making a comeback: http://t.co/MvXMJVDSnJ
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 9, 2014
Are you a jerk to people with disabilities without even knowing it? http://t.co/WEg0rEHX5d
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 9, 2014
Survey reveals the French are not living up to their reputation as great lovers: http://t.co/jvtyZ29dnB pic.twitter.com/yaVFhKVUvZ
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 8, 2014
Americans tweet more about beer than church — except in the south: http://t.co/T8uchfh7WO pic.twitter.com/Y0WWA5ovOW
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 8, 2014
RuPaul explaining Iggy Azalea to Iggy Azalea makes perfect sense. http://t.co/idpw9Eufqw
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 6, 2014
One winner from inequality — artists: http://t.co/PtkFZzeNQ1
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 5, 2014
Here's why you just got unfriended on Facebook http://t.co/Xc1T0QFXhP
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 5, 2014
Did you catch @BarackObama's largely self-deprecating monologue at last night's #WHCD? Watch it here: http://t.co/CyavNdqQHe
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 5, 2014
What it’s like to write jokes for President Obama http://t.co/Dn7vtdacH9 #WHCD
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 4, 2014
Study: Straight men like to cuddle. A lot: http://t.co/0OxzRd45Op
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 3, 2014
What's it's like to hunt sea otters http://t.co/NVsxRpiR4I
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 2, 2014
Don't believe the hype: watermelon isn't a natural Viagra http://t.co/NcxKdlvMjX
— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 1, 2014