Sidney Blumenthal Advising Hillary Clinton on Email Scandal

October 13, 2015

Hillary Clinton's "old friend" Sidney Blumenthal, who was banned from serving in the Obama administration but continued to send the secretary of state "unsolicited" intelligence updates about Libya and urged her to promote the private security firm in which he had invested, is advising the Democratic frontrunner on how to deal with the growing scandal regarding her private email server. POLITICO reports:

Those who had the candidate’s ear as the email controversy unfolded included a rolling cast of dozens, we were told, including Tom Nides; Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virginia; Clinton’s longtime personal spokesman, Philippe Reines; Mills; longtime Hillary whisperer Sid Blumenthal; Media Matters founder David Brock; and a handful of top donors, among others.

That's an impressive lineup of dubious characters that Hillary is seeking out for advice: Tom Nides, the Morgan Stanley executive whose wife is a vice president at CNN; Terry McAuliffe, the sketchy Democratic operative who once left his wife and newborn son in the car on the way home from the hospital in order to attend a fundraiser; Philippe Reines, the longtime Hillary aide who lied about his own use of a personal email account to conduct official business; and David Brock, the compulsive fabulist and Sid Blumenthal wanna-be who will say and do anything to defend the Clintons.

Top men. No wonder her campaign is going so well.

Published under: Hillary Clinton