While Republican candidates debated at the Reagan Library on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton went on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon as part of her rigorously spontaneous campaign to show more "humor and heart," according to aides. Clinton wore her "comedian hat" while kicking back and letting loose that endearing laugh we've all come to know and love.
Before sitting down with the host on set, Hillary did a fake interview with "Donald Trump," as played by Fallon. She took a sip of wine with eyes bulged wide, and uttered that laugh. The crowd cheered raucously throughout, as Fallon peppered her with tough questions like "are you too experienced to be president?" and "isn't it great that you know how to use email despite being so old?" The following clips represent everything you need to know about Hillary's Tonight Show appearance, explained in 20 seconds.
"Tree Puberty"
"Gefilte Fish"
"I Love Scenario"