Free Beacon Paul Crookston

Paul Crookston is the war room director at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a Collegiate Network fellow at National Review. A 2016 graduate of Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., he served as the managing editor of the Tartan campus newspaper. He is originally from Tampa, Fla., but he still roots for Dad’s Ohio teams. His Twitter handle is @P_Crookston. He can be reached at

Sen. Cory Booker

Booker: Pompeo Shouldn't Lead State Dept. Because He Doesn't 'Love the People'

N.J. Senator to vote down Pompeo due to views on gay marriage and women's health

April 13, 2018

John Kennedy Dismisses CNN Host's Call to Apologize for Accusing Facebook's User Agreement of Being in 'Swahili'

Kennedy accused of racism for telling Zuckerberg to write a new user agreement in 'non-Swahili'

April 10, 2018