Free Beacon Mary Lou Lang

Mary Lou Lang is a freelance writer whose stories have been published in The Revered Review, StreetAuthority, Trefis, the Daily Caller, and Area Development Magazine. Several of her stories have been republished on The Blaze and the Heartland Institute’s Heartlander Magazine. Prior to freelancing, she worked at financial magazines for Dow Jones and the A.M. Best Company.

‘In God We Trust’ Prevails in a Tennessee County

National motto placed on public buildings

October 1, 2013

Homeowners Unite Against FEMA

New flood insurance rates protested by homeowners who will see higher premiums

September 30, 2013

Border Patrol Union Condemns Use of Cameras on Agents

Union warns cameras could put agents in danger

September 27, 2013

Stop FEMA Rallies Planned Across the Country

New flood insurance rates could force homeowners to move

September 27, 2013

Students Told They Can’t Pass Out Constitution on Constitution Day

Free speech experts say school ban was unconstitutional

September 20, 2013

Starbucks Irks 2nd Amendment Supporting Customers

Anti-gun activists claim victory after liberal chain asks people not to bring guns into stores

September 18, 2013

Medicare Cuts, Obamacare Prompt Hospital Layoffs

More than a dozen hospitals cutting jobs, patient services

September 13, 2013

University of Montana Proposes Less Strict Sexual Harassment Guidelines

Some uncertainty still remains as to the scope of the policy

September 11, 2013

Back to School

More armed officers hired for safety in schools across the country

September 6, 2013

McCain Challenges DOJ’s Redefinition of Sexual Harassment

Senator says using settlement to change policy ‘troublesome’

July 1, 2013