Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

George Soros

Soros Group Ramps Up Lobbying Efforts in 2017

Soros pushed resources to counter laws described as direct attack on the liberal billionaire

August 14, 2017

Rep. Gregory Meeks Has Paid Company Owned by Aide's Wife Nearly $200K From Campaign Funds

Chief of staff's wife's company paid six figures for 'administrative consulting services'

August 9, 2017

Dem Rep. Alcee Hastings Has Paid Convicted Money-Launderer $75K for 'Part-time' Work in District Office

Hastings also pays his longtime girlfriend the maximum congressional salary

August 2, 2017

Apple Appeasing Communist Chinese Regulators as CEO Tim Cook Hits Trump

Apple's declining sales in China have moved the company to make a greater effort to appease cyber regulators in Beijing

August 1, 2017

Kamala Harris's Campaign Is Renting Office Space From a Travel Agency On Capitol Hill

Campaign has paid $10K in rent for office space 2,800 miles away from Harris's home state

July 31, 2017
Executive Chairman Alphabet Inc. Eric Schmidt

Data Firm Backed By Google's Eric Schmidt Paid Millions By Democratic Committees

Schmidt was previously found to be working directly with Hillary Clinton's campaign

July 27, 2017
Rep. Luis Gutierrez

Dem Rep. Luis Gutierrez Has Now Paid His Wife More Than $400,000 From His Campaign Funds

Gutierrez's wife has collected another $30,000 in payments this election cycle

July 25, 2017
Sen. Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Added Former Hillary Clinton Campaign Vets to D.C. Office

The Democratic senator has fueled speculation that she is positioning herself to run for president in 2020

July 21, 2017