Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

Biden Ally Involved With $60M Dark Money 2020 Strategy Center Shutters PAC

PAC was slated to spend millions backing Biden's candidacy

May 8, 2019

Biden Foundation Coffers Filled by Democracy Alliance Members

Partners of secretive liberal donor club who help set liberal agenda provided more than half of Biden's funds

May 6, 2019

Poynter 'Blacklist' of Conservative News Sites Was Created by SPLC Employee

List contains sites such as Free Beacon, Daily Caller, Breitbart

May 2, 2019
Joe Biden

Biden Backers Launch $60 Million Secret Money Dem 'Strategy Center' for 2020

Group will work with other liberal orgs, try to counter conservative media

April 30, 2019
Robert Mueller, special counsel on the Russian investigation

'Nonpartisan' Mueller Investigation-Focused Group Tied to Dem Dark Money

'Protect the Investigation' is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund

April 25, 2019
Elizabeth Warren

Warren Accepts Max Donations From CEO, Execs at Firm Repping Corporations

Individuals at Brown Rudnick continue to back Warren despite anti-corporate stance

April 22, 2019
cash money

Report: Liberal Dark Money Umbrella Facilitated $1.6 Billion in Recent Years

Arabella Advisors has seen massive cash flow from big money liberal donors to groups it houses

April 18, 2019
Lacy Clay

Dem Rep Paid Sister's Firm Half of Campaign Cash Expenditures

William Lacy Clay disbursed $30,000 to sister's law firm during the first quarter

April 15, 2019

Confidential Memo: Secretive Liberal Donor Club Plots $275 Million Spending Plan for 2020

Democracy Alliance has steered $1.83 billion to progressive infrastructure since 2005

April 11, 2019
Tom Cotton

Sen. Cotton Seeks IRS Investigation Into SPLC's Tax-Exempt Status

Cotton sent letter to IRS Tuesday urging immediate action

April 2, 2019