Free Beacon Eliana Johnson

Eliana Johnson is editor-in-chief of the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she served as a White House correspondent at POLITICO. She is a regular presence on cable television and has appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’s Face the Nation, ABC’s This Week, and the PBS News Hour. She graduated from Yale College with a degree in History.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan

At the Atlantic Council, Foreign Money Talks

Sources tell the Washington Free Beacon that foreign governments exert pressure on the ostensibly independent think tank’s scholarship and programming 

August 7, 2020
Hunter Biden

Where's Hunter? Until Recently, On the Board of the Left's Premier National Security Network 

Truman National Security Project quietly distances itself from former vice chairman Hunter Biden

February 12, 2020

New Koch Group Dogged by Charges of Anti-Semitism

Quincy Institute staff and scholars bring a long record of attacks on American Jews, Israel to the organization

January 28, 2020
Amir Handjani

Atlantic Council Gives Saudi Agent Prime Perch to Peddle Influence in Washington

Conflicts of interest, Middle Eastern money, and a failure to disclose

November 15, 2019
Halil Ozerden

White House Judicial Nom Violated Judicial Code of Conduct, Ex-Wife Alleged

Docs suggest Trump nominee pressured then-wife to make political donation on his behalf

October 21, 2019