Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Sanders Adviser Who Shared 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Also Questioned BP Oil Spill, Bin Laden Killing

Phillip Agnew: 'We prolly BEEN killed Osama. All choreography. Got no proof'

March 10, 2020

174 House Dems Vote Against Anti-Sexual-Predator Amendment

Dozens of Dems join GOP to prevent TSA from hiring people with sexual misconduct, terror convictions

March 5, 2020

Establishment-Backed Democrats Accused of Campaign Finance Violations

Dark money group spent $7 million on N.C. and Texas Senate races in February

March 3, 2020

Amy McGrath Continues to Exploit Coal Miners Suffering From Black Lung

Kentucky Dem re-airs ad despite miners' objection

February 26, 2020