Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Warren, Sanders Endorsed By Labor Leader Accused of Race, Age Discrimination

UNITE HERE chapter paid nearly $1 million to settle suit

January 29, 2020

CNN Blames Bar Shooting on Lax Gun Laws. It Got The Facts Wrong

Shooter was not legally allowed to carry weapon

January 26, 2020

Health Care Overhaul Unpopular in Suburban Districts

MO Dem dodges on Medicare for All after urging elimination of private insurance

January 24, 2020

Government Union Reports Sharp Decline in Political Spending

Oregon SEIU chapter slashes spending after dues fell by $2 million

January 22, 2020

Senator Biden Paid Men More Than Women, Now Blames Pay Gap on White Men

Former VP: 'All white guys are just basically, they don't give a damn about women'

January 17, 2020

WaPo in 2014: GAO Ruling Against Obama Nothing More Than 'Political Talking Point'

Now says GAO ruling against Trump 'severely rebukes Trump's Ukraine ploy'

January 16, 2020