Free Beacon Charles Fain Lehman

Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal. He was previously a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon.

Admin. Announces Additional 30K Temporary Work Visas

Garners support of business, ire of immigration hawks

May 7, 2019

Study: Boston Charter Schools Successfully Scale Up

Double the number of kids served by charter program

May 6, 2019

Trump Admin. Cracks Down on Asylum Abuse

New order streamlines application process

April 30, 2019

Study: Paid Family Leave Boosted Breast Feeding

New research provides support for policy increasingly popular within GOP

April 30, 2019

Report: U.S. Incarceration Falls to 20-Year Low

Analysis: States locking up fewer black offenders, more violent offenders

April 29, 2019