Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Leslie Cockburn, Denver Riggleman

'Ocasio-Cortez in a Scarf'

Riggleman blasts Cockburn as election looms

November 5, 2018
Trump in Montana

Montana Voters Appreciate Trump's Mission to Take Down Tester

'I think Trump has come here more than all the other presidents put together'

November 4, 2018
Hawley dark money target

Missouri Official Asks FBI to Investigate Dark Money Mailers Targeting Republicans

Campaign says it looks like a 'dirty trick by Claire McCaskill'

November 2, 2018

Republicans Refuse to Let McCaskill Sidestep Kavanaugh Vote

McCaskill wants to focus on health care, but Hawley is making sure voters remember Kavanaugh

November 1, 2018
Hawley dark money target

Dark Money Mailers Target GOP Candidates in Missouri With No Disclosures

Postage indicates mailers targeting Josh Hawley and Ann Wagner were sent by same printer

October 31, 2018
yo vote sticker i voted spanish

RNC Contacts 15.7 Million Hispanic Voters Ahead of Midterms

Republicans say 1 out of every 4 voters contacted are from Hispanic communities

October 29, 2018

Braun Feels Momentum in Indiana Race Against Donnelly

Indiana Republican: Race changed moment Donnelly came out against Kavanaugh

October 27, 2018

Only 2% of Heitkamp's Itemized Fundraising Boost Came from North Dakota

Out-of-state contributions pour in for Heitkamp after Kavanaugh vote

October 26, 2018

Vets Trotted Out to Defend McCaskill Were Also Dem Candidates This Cycle

Latest ad doesn't disclose partisan background of McCaskill's defenders

October 26, 2018
Bredesen Blackburn

Bredesen Falling Short for Democrats

Cautious Dem Senate candidate falls behind as Marsha Blackburn goes on offense in Tennessee

October 25, 2018