Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Univision President Likens Donald Trump to Murderer Dylann Roof

Univision will be hosting unsanctioned 'Republican candidates' forum' next year

June 25, 2015
Campbell Brown

The Leading Voice for Education Reform is About to Get Louder

Campbell Brown announces launch of education news site ‘The Seventy Four’

June 23, 2015

For-Profit Schools Target Vulnerable Vets, Give to Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton’s attempt to defend veterans highlights her hypocrisy

June 23, 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Clinton to Fundraise at L.A. House of Tax Evading Clinton Foundation Donor

Senate report: Peter Lowy held $68 million in offshore tax haven

June 19, 2015

Epic TV Judge 'Extreme Akim' is Hosting a Hillary Clinton Fundraiser Tonight

VIDEO: Watch Extreme Akim punish people with ‘raw justice in its most biblical form’

June 17, 2015