Free Beacon Bill McMorris

Bill McMorris is senior editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He joins the Beacon from the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, where he was managing editor of Old Dominion Watchdog. He was a 2010 Robert Novak Fellow with the Phillips Foundation, where he studied state pension shortfalls. His work has been featured on CNN, Fox News, The Economist, Colbert Report, and numerous print publications and radio stations. He lives in Alexandria, Va, with his wife and three daughters. His Twitter handle is @FBillMcMorris. His email address is

Maggie Hassan

Hassan Declines Foreign Policy Debate

State Dem spokeswoman calls event ‘sideshow’

September 12, 2016
Evan Bayh

Bayh Raised Cash With One of D.C.’s ‘Top Lobbyists’

Video captures Bayh entering $1,000 a plate fundraiser

September 9, 2016

Jury Tells SEIU to Pay Up

Union ordered to give janitorial company $5.3 million for smear campaign

September 8, 2016
Texas State Capitol in Austin

Austin Finance Limits

City of Austin sued for financing union activities with taxpayer money

September 7, 2016
Barack Obama

Obama’s Big Labor Blacklist

New rules would allow unions to derail government contracts with complaints

September 1, 2016
Butler Library at Columbia University

NLRB Opens Backdoor for NCAA Athlete Unionization

Broad ‘employee definition’ in grad student ruling could spread to football field

August 30, 2016

Big Labor Gets Behind Hassan

Ayotte criticizes Democrat for ‘top-down mandates’

August 29, 2016
Colorado minimum wage

CO Wage Hike Group Denies Accusations It Paid Workers Below $12 Per Hour

Union-backed coalition blames clerical errors for poor pay

August 26, 2016

Firefighters Say No to Hillary, Trump

First time in modern history union has failed to endorse Democrat

August 25, 2016
Supporters of a $15 minimum wage

D.C. Restaurants Lose Eight Jobs a Day as Wage Hikes Take Effect

Nation’s capital lost 1,400 jobs in six months as suburbs gained jobs

August 24, 2016