Today in Demonology
Feature: Rocky Twyman prays for an exorcism of Washington—all of Washington
July 29, 2013
Analysis: John Kerry’s Carbon Footprint Is Enormous
Secretary of State has emitted three times the carbon the average American emits yearly in doomed peace pursuit
July 29, 2013
Rogers: Without NSA Program Nation Risks Another 9/11
House Intel Chair: Some members who voted to cut NSA funding have an 'education problem'
July 28, 2013
Obama Speaks at Korean War Memorial on 60th Anniversary of Armistice
Obama: ‘Your lives are an inspiration. Your deeds will never be forgotten’
July 27, 2013
New Book Examines Role of Women in Combat
Review: Deadly Consequences: How Cowards are Pushing Women into Combat by Lt. Col. Robert Macginnis
July 27, 2013
Chris Christie Criticizes Rand Paul as ‘Dangerous’
New Jersey governor slams Kentucky senator for anti-national security positions
July 26, 2013
House Investigating Obamacare Subsidy Expansion
Committees say expansion of subsidies to federal exchanges is illegal
July 26, 2013