
U.S. Observes 5th Annual National Day of Remembrance for Cold War Patriots

October 30th dedicated to uranium miners, millers and haulers

October 30, 2013

Security Concerns Cut Off Access to Majority of Afghanistan

Nearly 80 percent of the country off limits to officials

October 30, 2013

Pentagon, Energy Department Moving Ahead with Upgraded, Precision-Guided Nuclear Bomb

B-61 gravity bomb life extension urgently needed for strategic and tactical bombers

October 30, 2013

Afghanistan Could Face Al Qaeda Resurgence Without U.S., NATO Force

U.S., Afghan officials negotiating terms of Bilateral Security Agreement

October 29, 2013

Carney Falsely Claims Insurers Are Responsible for Eliminating Policies in Individual Insurance Market

Fails to mention HHS regs after ACA signed into law guaranteed individuals would lose coverage

October 29, 2013

Clinton Adviser Attacks Critic of Son’s Anti-Israel Book in Email Campaign

Max Blumenthal’s book compares Israel to Nazi Germany

October 29, 2013

DHS Approves Over 80% of DREAMers Who Apply for Legal Status

Democrats still seeking immigration reform legislation

October 29, 2013

IG Report Criticizes VA for Preventable Deaths of Veterans

Three died in Memphis hospital last year due to negligence

October 29, 2013