
Congressman Ed Royce Slams Iran Lobby

NIAC intern pushes pro-Tehran propaganda at presser, congressman says

July 30, 2013

Giant KFC Bucket Appears in Georgia Family's Front Yard

'Maybe we'll get giant mashed potatoes next to it'

Fmr. DNI Dennis Blair Urges Tighter Cyber Security, Defends PRISM

Suggests more scrutiny on internal and external threats needed

July 30, 2013

U.S.-Backed Rail Line Would Boost Afghanistan’s Trade With Iran

New rail line would carry mainly minerals, could bring Afghanistan billions in revenue

July 30, 2013

Film on Zimbabwe Suggests Major Problems for July 31 Election

Expert says the upcoming election will not be ‘free, credible, or fair’

July 30, 2013

Experts Say Muslim Brotherhood Will Strengthen in Egypt Despite Military Control

Critics support the immediate withdrawal of aid to Egypt until elections

July 30, 2013

China's Military Preparing for ‘People’s War’ in Cyberspace, Space

Translated report reveals high-tech plans for cyber attacks, anti-satellite strikes

July 30, 2013