
Administrative law judges awarded plaintiffs nearly $100 billion in total between 2005 and 2012

$100 Billion in Benefits Awarded by Judges with High Social Security Approval Rates

Raises concerns about insolvent Social Security program

November 19, 2013
Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds (D., Bath) was found stabbed in his home.

Virginia State Senator Stabbed in Home, Son Found Dead

Creigh Deeds in 'critical condition' at UVA hospital

November 19, 2013
Brandeis University ended its partnership with the Palestinian Al Quds University after an anti-Israel rally in Novemeber

Brandeis University Severs Ties with Palestinian Al Quds University

Comes following anti-Israel rally Al Quds held on its campus

November 19, 2013

House Bill Would Limit Restrictions on Fracking

GOP legislation would ban Interior Dept. from regulating hydraulic fracturing

November 19, 2013

DOJ Changes Strategy in Fight Against Louisiana School Voucher Program

Jindal: New tactic could kill program through ‘red tape’

November 19, 2013

Education Secretary Apologizes for Comments on ‘White Moms’

Arne Duncan: I used ‘clumsy phrasing that I regret’

November 19, 2013

Oregon Exchange Yet to Sign Up a Single Person

Oregon has zero enrollees more than a month after it’s exchange went live

November 19, 2013