
hairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin E. Dempsey

JCS Chairman Decries Defense Budget Uncertainty

Dempsey agrees that deterring an assertive China is undermined by harsh U.S. budget cuts and Beijing’s military buildup

November 20, 2013
A pro-Muslim Brotherhood demonstration in Tahrir Square / AP

Georgetown University to Host Member of Egypt’s Nazi Party

Will participate in event with Muslim Brotherhood leaders

November 19, 2013

Hearing: Security Flaws in Obamacare Website Endanger Americans

Experts say they would not use due to risks

November 19, 2013

Experts: Individual Health Insurance Market Functioned Better Before Obamacare

Experts debate Obama, Democrat claim that health insurance market has improved

November 19, 2013

Opinion on Rand Paul Plummets During Discussion on Iran

All demographics turned away by Paul's stance on sanctions

November 19, 2013

Iran Blames Israel for Beirut Embassy Bombing

Iran blames ‘Zionists’ for deadly terror attack

November 19, 2013

Veterans Affairs Adds New Layer of FOIA Review

Policy will slow down approval of FOIA requests

November 19, 2013