
Gawker Got Literally Everything Wrong About Florida's New Warning Shots Bill

Families Against Mandatory Minimums, not the NRA, helped craft bill

January 18, 2014
Pro-life and pro-abortion protestors in front of the Supreme Court

America’s Moral Foundation

Review of Slavery, Abortion, and the Politics of Constitutional Meaning

January 18, 2014

Obama Giving Up on Promoting Democracy in Middle East,
North Africa

Initially promoted reform, supported transitions to democracy

January 17, 2014

Feds Release Details of ‘Urgent’ New Contract

Failure to fix website by March puts ‘the entire health insurance industry at risk’

January 17, 2014

Catholic Priest Target of Retaliation by Feds, Complaint Claims

Priest’s contract voided following filing of lawsuit

January 17, 2014

134 Lawmakers Blast ASA Boycott of Israel

More than a third of the House condemns ‘morally dishonest’ boycott

January 17, 2014

Iran Takes Global ‘Victory Lap’

Top leaders jet-setting across globe to increase trade, ties

January 17, 2014