Rubio: Iran Wants to Setup 'Puppet Government' in Iraq
'Iran's goal is to establish a Shia government that oppresses Sunnis and is responsive to them'
June 19, 2014
Obama: It Wasn’t My Decision to Pull Troops Out of Iraq
'That was a decision made by the Iraqi government'
June 19, 2014
Cuban, Venezuelan Dissidents Harassed at UN Panel
Dissidents testified on arbitrary arrests, torture of detainees
June 19, 2014
Clinton Donor Bans Free Beacon From University of Arkansas Archives
Free Beacon reporter on double super-secret probation following yet another Clinton scoop
June 19, 2014
McCain Lacks Confidence in Obama’s Response to ISIL Crisis
Calls for president to act decisively as crisis escalates
June 19, 2014
DHS Adviser's Anti-American Tweets Celebrated by ISIS Terrorists
Elibiary’s controversial tweets coopted by terrorists
June 19, 2014
McKeon ‘Concerned’ Iran Negotiations ‘Flawed From The Outset’
‘I worry that the President wants to achieve a nuclear deal with Iran – at almost any cost.’
June 19, 2014