
The smoke trail of multiple missiles fired by Palestinian militants from inside northern Gaza Strip

Congress to UN: Hamas' Arsenal Must Be Removed

Diverse group of lawmakers, Jewish groups back disarmament of Hamas

July 29, 2014

DIA Chief: Al Qaeda Ideology Rapidly Expanding

More violent terror groups replace core al Qaeda

July 29, 2014
Syrian refugees gather in the Fayda Camp

Religious Communities Displaced at High Levels in 2013

More displaced last year than at any time in recent memory

July 28, 2014

Critics: UFCW Hypocritical on Irregular Hours

Union fronts hiring ‘flexible’ workers to bash flexibility

July 28, 2014

Government Paying $140,368 to Take 10 Students on a ‘Climate Change Journey’

National Park Service flying youth to Sydney, Australia for global conference

July 28, 2014