
USDA Made $6.2 Billion in Improper Payments Last Year

Failed to comply with law to avoid fraudulent payments for third year in a row

April 28, 2014

Keith Ellison Decries Money in Politics While Supporting Union Front Group

Minnesota Democrat has accepted hundreds of thousands from unions since 2008

April 28, 2014

S.C. Democrat Candidate for Governor Brokered Plea Deals for Violent Criminals

Vince Sheheen defended wife beaters, cop hitters, child sex abusers

April 28, 2014

Sunday Show Round Up

Ukraine and Hamas dominate the discussion

April 27, 2014

J Street U Brandeis' Talia Lepson Harasses Pro-Israel Student

J Street leader to pro-Israel student: ‘Jews hate you’

April 27, 2014