
Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Congress Targets Turkish President’s Anti-Semitism

New measure seeks to combat rising tide of anti-Semitism

September 2, 2014

Biden Takes Back 'Take Back America'

It's only racist when a Republican says it

September 2, 2014
Mark Begich

Victims’ Family Hammers Begich for Politicizing Gruesome Murder Case

Begich ‘playing pure politics’ with elderly couple’s murder, rape of two-year old granddaughter, attorney says

September 2, 2014
Ecuador's President Rafael Correa

Correa-Tied Anti-Piracy Firm Targets Reporters Investigating Ambassador

Days after Ecuadorian news outlet exposed potential corruption, Ares Rights filed a copyright complaint

September 2, 2014

Regulators Aid Union Effort to Kill Franchising

Labor officials participated in liberal conference

September 2, 2014