Ted Strickland Spokesman in 2009: Strickland Has a Problem with Black Voters
Spox wrote that Ohio governor angered African Americans by backing Hillary
October 21, 2015
Islamic State Raked in Over $1 Billion in 2014
Oil sales, extortion, theft produce ‘massive’ terrorist finance challenge
October 21, 2015
Disability Program Issued
$1.1 Million in Benefits to Individuals Living Outside U.S.
Includes individuals in Puerto Rico and deposits to foreign banks
October 21, 2015
Feingold Accepted Over $200K in Bundled Lobbyist Contributions in 2010
Former senator railed against lobbyist donations during his time in the Senate
October 20, 2015
Like Hillary Clinton, Ted Strickland Demonizes Republicans as the ‘Enemy’
At Democratic event, Strickland called ‘enemy’ Rob Portman by the wrong name
October 20, 2015
Wife of Ex Democratic Congressman Reports to Jail for Spending Campaign Funds
Illegally spent campaign money on furs, coats
October 20, 2015
Jimmy Carter Offers Help for Russia’s Bombing Campaign in Syria
Says he sent Putin a message, received response from Russian embassy asking for maps
October 20, 2015
Pennsylvania Democrats Support Ex-Im Bank Despite Costly Coal Restrictions
Dems in other coal-heavy states have opposed restrictions
October 20, 2015