CEO of Healthcare Company, Dem Donor Admits $1.8M Medicare Fraud
Contributed nearly $20K to Dem candidates, committees, and PACs
October 27, 2015
Bush Unveils Plans for Medicare, Social Security
Republican candidate says proposals would lower healthcare costs for seniors and aid those who work longer
October 27, 2015
Texas Planned Parenthood Employee: Keeping Babies’ Heads Intact for Brain Harvesting is ‘Something to Strive For’
’My aim is usually to get the specimens out pretty intact‘
October 27, 2015
Bill Clinton’s Confession to Friend: ‘I Thought DOMA Was Right at the Time’
Tape from 1999 contradicts Hillary’s recent claim that DOMA was a ‘defensive action’
October 27, 2015
Los Angeles Sued Over Gun Magazine Ban
County sheriffs, gun rights advocates file suit
October 27, 2015