
Tom Cotton

Cotton Warns Obama Will Risk Attacks on Homeland with Gitmo Closure

Argues terrorist detainees will ‘radicalize’ criminals in U.S. if moved stateside

December 9, 2015

Solar Firm Lobbies for More Subsidies as Parent Company Admits Insolvency

Abengoa is in dire financial straits, but a U.S. subsidiary is pushing for more federal support

December 9, 2015

U.S. General ‘Concerned’ About Russia, China’s Development of Space Weapons

Both Moscow and Beijing tested anti-satellite weapons in the last two months

December 9, 2015

Hillary Clinton: Obama's Islamic State Strategy 'Is Close To Mine'

Clinton said this weekend that 'we're not winning' the fight

December 8, 2015

NH Republican Voters Name National Security as Chief Concern Ahead of Election

50 percent say foreign policy most important issue influencing vote

December 8, 2015
John Escalante, Rahm Emanuel

Duckworth Silent on Rahm Emanuel Amid Chicago Police Controversy

Chicago mayor facing allegations he covered up police misconduct

December 8, 2015
Ted Strickland

Ted Strickland, Busy with Fundraising, Has Not Explained Flip Flop on Guns

Ohio Senate candidate silent on San Bernardino terror attack

December 8, 2015

Report: $28K Deposited in Account of San Bernardino Attacker Before Shooting

Money serves as ‘significant evidence of pre-meditation’

December 8, 2015