
Think Tank Retracts Report Saying GOP Tax Bill Benefits Wealthy

White House says analysis did not take into account economic growth factors like jobs and wages

November 7, 2017

DEA Announces Record Breaking Collection of Drugs for National Drug Take Back Day

Americans hand over tons of drugs for disposal in effort to curb opioid epidemic

November 7, 2017

Major Dem Donor: Democrat Party's Message Is 'So Effin' Wrong'

Stephen Cloobeck threatens to leave party if it moves further left

November 7, 2017

Dem Sen. Menendez Paid Chief of Staff Thousands for 'Consulting' Work From Campaign Funds

Menendez is currently on trial for corruption charges that include bribery

November 7, 2017

MPAA Chairman Chris Dodd, a Harvey Weinstein 'Friend,' Still Silent on Sexual Abuse

Democratic senator turned movie industry lobbyist has history with sexually aggressive behavior

November 7, 2017