
military family

Companion GOP Bills Would Expand School Choice for Military Families

50 percent of service members with kids live in states with no school choice

March 16, 2018

Confident Josh Hawley Kicks Off Campaign With Focus on Claire McCaskill's Record

Hawley says he will fight for America's heartland, labels McCaskill an 'eager ally' of coastal elites

March 16, 2018

Hollywood Scripts Itself Into Florida Governor’s Race

California fundraiser benefits FL candidate running furthest to the left

March 16, 2018

Air Force: GPS Satellites Vulnerable to Attack

U.S. unprepared for Chinese, Russian space warfare attacks

March 16, 2018
Mike Pompeo

So Long to the Iran Deal

Column: Donald Trump's staff shakeup is good for hawks—and terrible for Iran

March 16, 2018
The Death of Stalin

'The Death of Stalin' Review

'Veep,' but life-or-death

March 16, 2018

Center for American Progress Official on Clinton's Remarks About Trump Voters: 'Not a Great Statement'

Chuck Todd: 'What we have just seen here is the full lancing of the Clintons off of the party'

March 15, 2018

ProPublica Retracts Report that Trump's CIA Pick Oversaw Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah

'This error was particularly unfortunate because it muddied an important national debate about Haspel and the CIA’s recent history'

March 15, 2018