Princeton Poised To Promote Professor Who Occupied Campus Building
The university has recommended that Dan-el Padilla Peralta, who helped anti-Israel protesters storm Princeton’s historic Clio Hall, be promoted to full professor.
Biden-Harris Admin Denied Resources to Police During Pro-Hamas Protest Where Agitators Burned American Flag, Committee Chairman Says
Park Police was 'understaffed' to handle DC protesters, union head says
Inside Kamala Harris's Plan To End Cash Bail and 'Transform The Criminal Justice System'
Harris wants more restrictions on cops and fewer restrictions on criminals, a memo from her 2020 campaign shows
Don't Say Czar: Kamala Was Biden's 'Point Person on Immigration'—Until She Became the Presumptive Nominee
'She is now the point person on immigration,' CNN's Jake Tapper said of VP Harris. Now he says she was never border czar.
Congress Eyes Fresh Sanctions on Palestinian Government, Countering White House Embrace of Hamas-Supporting PA
New bill in House, Senate would sanction Palestinian leaders over pay-to-slay program
Biden Passes the Torch, Vows To Cure Cancer in Slurred Primetime Address
Praises brave and selfless decision to 'unite' Democrats, even though his record 'merited a second term'
Pro-Hamas Agitators Burn American Flag and Foist Palestinian Flag Over Union Station as Bibi Addresses Congress
‘There is only one solution, intifada revolution,’ demonstrators yell
WATCH: Netanyahu Praises UNC Frat Bros, Republicans Chant 'USA' While Democrats Pout
Left-wing activists cheer Hamas, threaten Jews, and burn American flag