Ed Schultz Out of Touch With The American Public

Another Liberal Millionaire Out of Touch with the American Middle Class

September 12, 2013

Duruig Ed Schultz's opening rant on Thursday's The Ed Show, Schultz made a very bold statement regarding Obamacare, claiming "there is not one poll across this country delivered by any service that will say that the majority of Americans want to get rid of the signature legislation."

This statement however is not true. If you look at Real Clear Politics most recent polling on the topic, you will find that the opposite.

Not one poll on the site finds the majority of Americans are in favor of Obamacare. Even Schultz's own network found only 34 percent of Americans support Obamacare, while 47 percent of the country opposes the legislation.

Yesterday's CNN/ORC poll found 57 percent of people surveyed opposed most or all of the proposals in the law. This number is up eleven points from a poll conducted in January of this year, while support for Obamacare is down to 39 percent, an all time low. It would appear that Republican members of Congress are not the ones out of touch, but rather millionaire TV personalities.

SCHULTZ: You know, the House of Representatives is supposed to be the people's house. The people's house has turned into a wasteland because nothing gets done, nothing gets done, and it is all because of Republican leadership. I made the case on the program last night. That there are votes after votes after votes that get voted down, issues that get voted down because this isn't the way they want to run the country. It has nothing to do with where the majority of Americans are. So here we are again, we're going to take another vote on Obamacare to get rid of it when there is not one poll across this country delivered by any service that will say that the majority of Americans want to get rid of the signature legislation in the Obama administration and their success, which is Obamacare.

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