Sessions: Ramifications Of Immigration Reform Need To Be Considered

'The cost financially to the country will be huge over time'

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) cautioned against haphazardly railroading immigration reform through Congress Thursday on Fox Business.

The Alabama senator warned the United States could see an increase in the from 10 million to 30 million immigrants over the next 10 years under the current legislation being considered by Congress, potentially causing taxpayers to incur a large financial cost:

JEFF SESSIONS: We know there will be 11 million people plus 4.5 million that would be immediately legalized. 11 [million] of them being here illegally now. And then in addition to that it looks like there will be at least a 50 percent annual increase in the number of immigrants into the country, which would be another 15 million, so right there you're looking at about 30 million over the next ten years when the current immigration flow would be 10 million. So polling numbers show, majority of the American people think the legal number is too high now. So the message going out is we will have tougher enforcement, implying there will be less immigration. This is a dramatic increase, and there will be huge costs because most of the 11 million and the families that they will bring three chain migration, most of them will qualify for benefits, either after ten years or later because they have tried to avert an amount of time. The cost financially to the country will be huge over time.