Rep. Scalise Tears Into CMS Director Over Obamacare

Representative Steve Scalise (R., La) questioned the director of the Center for Consumer Information, Gary Cohen, over the role the Affordable Care Act will have on employees' health insurance coverage.

REPRESENTATIVE SCALISE: I met recently with the owner of Whole Foods. They have something like 30,000 employees. Very large company. Well respected company nationally. They have health care that their employees really like. Their employees get to vote on the benefits. It’s a very highly successful plan. They have managed to control costs. They beat the industry average. Yet they still provide a plan that their employees like. Under the current law from what they see, their plan is not even eligible. There are 30-plus thousand employees that have insurance they like are at risk of losing that coverage. The old promise if you like what you have you can keep it? It was broken to those 30,000. That was one example. Are you aware that have?

GARY COHEN: I can't speak to specifically -

SCALISE: You ought to find out about it. It’s a real life example of a real company that's a well-respected company that has good health care. Their employees really like. And they are right now at risk of losing it because of this law.

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