Speier Encourages Oprah Winfrey to Run for President in 2020

Oprah Winfrey / Getty
January 8, 2018

Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier (Calif.) on Monday encouraged TV personality Oprah Winfrey to run for president in 2020.

Speier first tweeted out a video of Winfrey's speech at the Golden Globes on Sunday night, which fueled speculation that the talk-show host is mulling a presidential bid, before following up with another tweet telling Winfrey that women would "fight for you."

"Run, Oprah, run!" Speier tweeted. "An army of women would fight for you in #2020election #2020prah."

Two friends close to Winfrey told CNN on Monday that the TV talk-show host is "actively thinking" about running for president in 2020, and that many of her closest confidants are "urging" her to launch a White House bid.