McCain Lights Up Obama DoD Appointee

McCain: Al Qaeda still a threat in Libya, Mali, Syria, Iraq

Senator John McCain (R., AZ) launched into Assistant Secretary Michael A. Sheehan about the wide range of al Qaeda threats around the world during Tuesday's Senate Armed Services Committee's emerging threat hearing.

McCain pointed out that al Qaeda cells have established footholds in a number of countries, pointing to terrorist activities in Africa and the Middle East.

"How about Mali? Do you think [al Qaeda] will be able to reconstitute themselves once the French leave?," McCain asked Sheehan, assistant secretary of Defense for special operations and low intensity conflict

Sheehan admitted that al Qaeda will attempt to reconstitute themselves in Mali, although he could not specify their long term capabilities.

McCain also discussed today's announcement that al Nusra, the terrorist group in Syria, is partners with al Qaeda in Iraq and asked about the terrorist group's gaining traction and influence in the war torn state.

"Al Nusra is increasing it's capability in Syria," Sheehan said but would not go in depth, instead preferring for a closed session to discuss Syria.

"The American people should not know how members of department of defense feel about an issue of slaughter of 70,000 or more people and millions of refugees," McCain responded to Sheehan's closed session request.

Michael Sheehan was nominated for his position by President Obama in 2011.

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